Visualization Examples ====================== This directory contains a number of visualization examples that can be used to display information collected using the ``acitoolkit``. Many of the examples are meant to run alongside the ``ACI Endpoint Tracker`` application and interact with the MySQL database that the ``ACI Endpoint Tracker`` populates. Most of the visualization examples are interactive. Installation ------------ To run the visualizations, the python package ``Flask`` is required. This can be installed using ``pip`` as follows:: pip install flask It is also recommended that the ``ACI Endpoint Tracker`` is installed. Usage ----- Run the visualizations as follows (supplying your own MySQL credentials):: python --mysqlip --mysqllogin root --mysqlpassword password Alternatively, you can create a `` file in the same directory with the following:: MYSQLIP='' MYSQLLOGIN='root' MYSQLPASSWORD='password' If the `` file is used, run the visualizations as follows:: python Once the visualizations are running, you should see the following displayed:: * Running on * Restarting with reloader Simply point your favorite web browser to the following URL and explore::