ACI Lint

acilint is a static analysis tool for Cisco ACI fabrics. Some example use cases for such a tool include the following:

  • Configuration Analysis

    In this purpose, it can be used to examine the APIC configuration and determine whether any of the configuration could be possibly problematic or suspicious. It examines the configuration much like static code analysis tools such as the original lint checker did for software development in C or pylint for Python. It generates Warnings and Errors that give indications that the configuration should be examined. Often these Warnings are not problems, but incomplete or stale configuration that is not currently in use.

  • Compliance, Governance, and Auditing

    In this purpose, it can be used to determine whether the configuration meets higher level goverance and compliance rules. These rules are similar to lint style rules but exploit the APIC ability to provide additional classification tags on objects. Tags provide a simple and flexible way to classify any APIC object in one or more user-defined groups.

    For example, EPGs can be tagged as secure and non-secure. A compliance rule can be defined that specifies that secure EPGs cannot consume a contract from a non-secure EPG. Upon violation of this rule, a warning or an error can be raised.


acilint collects the configuration directly from the APIC and thus needs the proper credentials. These can be passed via the command line arguments, a file, environment variables, or if none of these, the user will be directly queried.

The following example shows how to run using the command line arguments for credentials:

python -l admin -p password -u

where admin is the APIC login username, password is the APIC password, and is the URL used to login to the APIC.


By default, all checks will be performed. However, like many static code analysis tools, acilint is customizable and only the desired warnings and errors can be issued.

To customize acilint, generate a configuration file with the following command:

python --generateconfigfile acilint.cfg

or even shorter:

python -g acilint.cfg

where acilint.cfg is the filename you wish to create.

The generated configuration file will contain a list of all of the current checks being performed.

An example config file is shown below:

# acilint configuration file
# Remove or comment out any warnings or errors that you no longer wish to see

To remove checks, either:

  • Delete the line containing the check, or
  • Comment it out by prepending a # in front of the check

Errors and Warnings

The following list of Errors and Warnings are performed by acilint. Since acilint is written on top of the acitoolkit package, the checks are limited to the functionality exposed by that package. However as the acitoolkit expands, so shall acilint.


warning_001 Tenant has no app profile
warning_002 Tenant has no context
warning_003 AppProfile has no EPGs
warning_004 Context has no BridgeDomain
warning_005 BridgeDomain has no EPGs assigned
warning_006 Contract is not provided at all
warning_007 Contract is not consumed at all
warning_008 EPG providing contracts but in a Context with no enforcement
warning_010 EPG providing contract but consuming EPG is in a different context


error_001 BridgeDomain has no context
error_002 EPG has no BD assigned


critical_001 Compliance check example

critical_001 is a compliance check example that will perform the following:

  • Ensure that all of the EPGs in the system have been classified as secure and nonsecure using the tagging capability provided by the acitoolkit.
  • Ensures that none of the secure EPGs can communicate with the nonsecure EPGs by checking that no contract provided by secure EPGs is consumed by nonsecure EPGs.

Developing Checks

Additional checks can be added through new methods on the Checker class. If the method begins with warning_ or error_ or critical_, it will automatically be executed as part of the acilint execution. The new checks will also automatically inherit the customization capability through the usage of the configuration file. Some familiarity with the acitoolkit object model is necessary to write additional checks.